ECM Education currently provides a full range of support services for schools locally, nationally and internationally. 

ECM understands that effective school leadership is critical in improving educational outcomes, promoting high expectations and meeting the rigorous demands of Ofsted and the DfE. Our School Improvement Partners support and strengthen leadership at all levels, empowering headteachers, governors and senior leaders to build leadership capacity, deliver whole-school improvement, secure better teaching and learning, and manage complex organisations more effectively.

What are the benefits of working with ECM?

  • We offer the highest quality all round ECM experience
  • We create a ‘Get a Job Done’ culture through our enabling approach
  • We have a genuine interest and wanting to support you as leaders to secure the best opportunities and outcomes for your pupils
  • We continue to adapt and evolve to create an ECM service offer that meets changing tides and ways of working in schools including through Online support and Face to Face support


“ECM live by their mantra of getting a job done. They are individually purposefully driven to ensure all children receive a high-quality education; working alongside you to identify specific points where systems, practises and procedures can be enhanced. They are knowledgeable about current educational policy and are committed to remaining relevant and professional in their fields of expertise. I have had an ECM consultant as my SIP for the last 8 years and have always felt confident that our conversations were focussed, detailed and specifically directed to examine the systemic practise in the school. Deep dives were being conducted long before the current trend. Consequently our school moved from good to outstanding through  the partnership with ECM.”

Lynn Williams - Head Teacher, St. Peter's CE Primary, Farnworth, Bolton.

10 years + in the making

We have a proven track record of high-quality, impactful support for schools. We can provide a full range of testimonials from headteachers and leaders across the country who currently work alongside an ECM School Improvement Partner.









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Service Overview  
2024-25 CEO Performance Management (4-hour process) ECM School Improvement Parner schools/trusts already use ECM for Headteacher/ CEO Performance Management. CEO PM is available to all schools even if you are new to ECM or don’t use us as your School Improvement Partner. More info
2024-25 Curriculum Intent checks - subject specific We can review your curriculum INTENT long term plans in each of the national curriculum subjects. More info
2024-25 Deep Dive into your chosen subject. Supportive, collaborative and coaching school leaders through the process. A coached approach through the Deep Dive process. More info
2024-25 Early Years Review - 1 day in school, preparation and Note of Visit ECM Education consultants offer a comprehensive approach to getting it right in early years. Schools with single reception classes to full units including children aged two can benefit from the range of bespoke support and development opportunities for leaders, teachers and practitioners More info
2024-25 ECM Safeguarding Audit/Review This service offers two options for conducting a safeguarding audit/review in schools. More info
2024-25 External Governance Review Ofsted Preparation and Governance Review from ECM More info
2024-25 Governor Training (Up to 15 delegates - 2 hours) Run as a 2 hour session for your cluster, MAT or school face to face or online live. More info
2024-25 Headship/Deputy Headship Recruitment Services We can work with governors to support your headteacher/deputy recruitment - please contact us for further details. Email: Tel: 0844 335 1022 More info
2024-25 Headteacher Performance Management - 4 hour process This can be offered as both a face to face or online service. More info
2024-25 Individual Subject Review This one-day review in your school with an ECM consultant working alongside your leaders will provide a critical and supportive process to evaluate the effectiveness of one of your subjects and identify areas of strengths and actions for development. More info
2024-25 INSET day (up to 15 delegates) ECM can provide and arrange all your INSET Day needs. Choose from our full offer of CPD topics or request a bespoke INSET delivery More info
2024-25 Inspection style 'Top Level View' Senior Leader telephone conversation with an experienced and qualified ECM adviser For CEO’s, Executive Heads, Headteachers and Senior Leaders in Primary and Secondary Schools Supporting you to be prepared to describe and discuss the INTENT, IMPLEMENTATION, and IMPACT of your school curriculum. More info
2024-25 Leadership Coaching – With a Qualified Coach What is the purpose of coaching? To enable you to be more productive, happy and empowered to make sustainable change in your life and work! More info
2024-25 Middle Leaders Subject Review ECM will provide a supported audit of your subject leader’s readiness for inspection through individual or small group interviews. These interviews will be in line those carried out during inspection and are supportive and coached as well as evaluative. Discussions in the interview focus on the curriculum design and planning through to delivery, standards and assessment, (Intent, Implementation and Impact). We will evaluate the strengths and areas for development needed at your school. More info
2024-25 Organisational Development - Strategic Review Process Are you looking to secure educational development and change? Do you have a relentless focus on securing the highest quality of education and outcomes for the pupils in your establishment? More info
2024-25 Pupil Premium Review - 1 day, preparation and Note of Visit ECM consultants with a track record of improving outcomes for disadvantaged pupils will audit, review and report on the effectiveness and impact of your schools use of Pupil Premium Funding and how this is monitored by the school (SLT and governors). A summary note of visit will provide recommendations in terms of improving the use of PP money as well as confirming the school’s strengths. More info
2024-25 Quality of Education or Curriculum Review (1 day) ECM will provide a supported audit of your curriculum. From design and planning through to delivery, standards and assessment, (Intent, Implementation and Impact). We will work with your leaders interviewing staff and pupils, observing lessons, pupil books and curriculum planning. We will evaluate the strengths and areas for development needed at your school. More info
2024-25 School Improvement Partner (SIP) ECM Education currently provides a full range of support services for schools locally, nationally and internationally. ECM understands that effective school leadership is critical in improving educational outcomes, promoting high expectations and meeting the rigorous demands of Ofsted and the DfE. Our School Improvement Partners support and strengthen leadership at all levels, empowering headteachers, governors and senior leaders to build leadership capacity, deliver whole-school improvement, secure better teaching and learning, and manage complex organisations more effectively. More info
2024-25 SEF/SES/SDP Writing Support - 1 day in school Self-Evaluation Summary (SES) or SDP writing support - one day in school including all materials and resources. More info
2024-25 SEND review - 1 day in school, preparation and Note of Visit This one-day (5 hours in school) review in your school alongside your SENCo will provide a critical and supportive process. More info
2024-25 Staff Meeting (up to 15 delegates -2 hours) Our Staff Meetings/Twilight sessions can be held for your own school or a cluster of schools as live online sessions or Face to Face. More info
2024-25 TLR - Teaching and Learning Review - Supported and Coached ECM trained advisers provide a completely objective perspective on your school or academy. This will be an evaluation, in partnership with your senior leadership team and as a result you will be confident about your schools’ strengths and areas for improvement. More info
2024-25 Website Audit Are you unsure if your website meets statutory requirements? More info