Inspiring leaders, improving outcomes, for schools and academies nationwide.
*Prices displayed are our RRP prices. Prices vary depending upon location, length of session etc. Any amendments will be made at the time of booking. Please contact us if you require any further information.
Can't see a suitable date or location?
We can run all our courses as Inset, Staff Meetings and Twilight sessions. Contact us for more information.
Assessment in Foundation Subjects - Being Inspection Ready
A 2-hour Time2Train session for leaders at all levels to develop a whole-school assessment approach to tracking progress and attainment of all pupils in foundation subjects in a Primary school.
NEW IDSR and ASP Analysis (on your validated 2024 documents)
A full-day course for primary leaders to gain an in-depth understanding of the principles and purpose of assessment in schools before completing ECM documentation that will support you in analysing and interpreting the updated Inspection Data Summary Report and ASP/SPS. A secure understanding of the strengths and weaknesses in the school’s historic data will be addressed, ensuring you are inspection ready.
This course delves into the essence of quality science education, exploring key elements such as effective curriculum structure, impactful teaching strategies, and the leadership required for successful implementation.
This course delves into the essence of quality DT education, exploring key elements such as effective curriculum structure, impactful teaching strategies, and the leadership required for successful implementation.
This course delves into the essence of quality geography education, exploring key elements such as effective curriculum structure, impactful teaching strategies, and the leadership required for successful implementation.
This course delves into the essence of quality history education, exploring key elements such as effective curriculum structure, impactful teaching strategies, and the leadership required for successful implementation.
This course delves into the essence of quality science education, exploring key elements such as effective curriculum structure, impactful teaching strategies, and the leadership required for successful implementation.
A one-day course offering a range of tools, structures, and strategies to 'get the job done' in Year 6. Securing age-related and higher expectations that will place your school’s performance in the best position nationally. This course is applicable to experienced teachers of Year 6 as well as those new to the year group.
Coaching for Excellence - Maximising the Potential of Teachers in the Classroom - Lead Practitioner Training
This course spans two sessions, each lasting two hours, totaling four hours in duration. It will provide both middle and senior leaders of primary schools with a 'toolbox' of strategies that will support and hold others to account through school improvement.
Teaching to Improve Memory: Building Knowledge Using Cognitive Load Theory - Practical Solutions for Subject Leaders and Class Teachers
This course is designed for subject leaders and class teachers to develop their understanding of how the best principles of cognitive science can be easily applied in the classroom and across the curriculum to maximise the impact of your teaching.
Ensuring Progression in Vocabulary and Concepts in Foundation Subjects
Vocabulary and language are essential classroom tools. Given Ofsted's emphasis on revisiting and building upon ideas and concepts over time, our training course underscores the significance of a structured, progressive approach to teaching vocabulary and concepts, especially in foundation subjects.
The Metacognition course is designed for both primary and secondary school colleagues who aim to enhance their students' learning experience. The focus of this course is on elevating pupils' learning by improving their self-awareness and refining their reflective skills.
Art – Session 1 - Being Inspection Ready - Progression of Knowledge and Skills
A 2-hour Time2Train session for Art subject leaders and senior leaders to develop a whole school approach to planning and delivering Art in your Primary school. This is the first of a series of 6 sessions which can be booked individually or as a package of 6 for £400.00.
Art – Session 2 - Progression of Knowledge and Skills – Drawing Focus
A 2-hour Time2Train session for Art subject leaders to develop a whole school approach to planning and delivering Art in your Primary school, focusing on knowledge and skills, techniques, media and vocabulary specific to drawing across all years in the Primary School.
Art – Session 3 - Progression of Knowledge and Skills – Painting Focus
A 2-hour Time2Train session for Art subject leaders to develop a whole-school approach to planning and delivering Art in your primary school, focusing on knowledge and skills, techniques, media, and vocabulary specific to painting across all years in the primary school.
Art – Session 4 - Progression of Knowledge and Skills – Printing Focus
A 2-hour Time2Train session for Art subject leaders to develop a whole-school approach to planning and delivering Art in your primary school, focusing on the knowledge and skills, techniques, media, and vocabulary specific to printing across all years in the primary school.
Art – Session 5 - Progression of Knowledge and Skills – 3D focus
A 2-hour Time2Train session for Art subject leaders to develop a whole-school approach to planning and delivering Art in your primary school, focusing on the knowledge and skills, techniques, media, and vocabulary specific to working in 3D across all years in the primary school.
Art – Session 6 - Progression of Knowledge and Skills – Textiles and Collage Focus
A 2-hour Time2Train session for Art subject leaders to develop a whole-school approach to planning and delivering Art in your primary school, focusing on the knowledge and skills, techniques, media, and vocabulary specific to working in textiles and collage across all years in the primary school.
ECM Leadership Programme: Autumn Term 2024 (5 Sessions)
Whether you are an experienced middle or subject leader or new to the role, this programme will help you provide the best account of your subject with the most up-to-date information from Ofsted, the DfE, and research.
How to Integrate and Teach International New Arrivals Including Refugees and Asylum Seekers
This course will equip teachers and teaching assistants with knowledge, skills and resources to provide a well thought out whole school approach to creating a welcoming environment for pupils who arrive at school with little or no knowledge of English.
This course will discuss implications arising from the statutory Key Stage 2 tests for mathematics and will support participants in effectively preparing for them.
This half day session will unpick the features of an effective lesson structure in mathematics and will support delegates in identifying the key principles for learning.
This course is suitable for those who are new to subject leadership in history or those wish to further develop their subject knowledge and their role as history subject leader
Teaching and Learning Strategies for all EAL Learners
This course will explore a range of learning and teaching strategies to support EAL learners at different stages of English language development including beginners and more advanced learners of English.
This course is suitable for those new to subject leadership in DT or those who have been leading DT for a short time. The course covers the key curriculum and management aspects of being a DT subject leader.
This course is designed for SENDCO's, teachers and teaching assistants, providing valuable insights into how neuro diversity manifests in the classroom and equipping you with the tools to effectively support primary and secondary aged pupils with ADHD presentations.
Understanding and Supporting Children on the Autistic Spectrum
You will leave with practical strategies of how to make reasonable adjustments and create an inclusive learning environment to support primary and secondary pupils in the classroom.
As the local authority and schools are moving towards trauma informed approaches, this course will explore how your setting can embrace the approach in positive and practical ways.
Leading Writing in Primary Schools - A Toolkit for English Subject Leaders
This course will support subject leaders in auditing writing, identifying areas for development, discussing strategies to address these, and formulating next steps.
Using and developing Knowledge Organisers to support effective learning
This new course will support schools to consider what the purpose is of a knowledge organiser, what type of content should be included and practical strategies to embed the use in the classroom in order to have maximum impact.
This popular course, based on research and practical ideas, will consider the 'foundations' which need to be in place for effective adaptive and responsive practice within the EYFS classroom.
Creating an Effective Relationship/Behaviour Policy
This course will help those wanting to adapt their behaviour policy to ensure inclusive practice provision is in place for all children, including individualised support plans for children presenting challenging behaviour, SEND children and for those whose life experiences or circumstances impact significantly on their SEMH needs.
ECM Leadership Programme: Spring Term 2025 (5 Sessions)
Whether you are an experienced middle or subject leader or new to the role, this programme will help you provide the best account of your subject with the most up-to-date information from Ofsted, the DfE, and research.
ECM Leadership Programme: Summer Term 2025 (4 Sessions)
Whether you are an experienced middle or subject leader or new to the role, this programme will help you provide the best account of your subject with the most up-to-date information from Ofsted, the DfE, and research.
Developing Fluent Reading and Comprehension Capabilities in Primary Pupils
A 2-hour course offering a range of evidence-based strategies and practical classroom examples to support pupils’ reading fluency and understanding of written text. The course is applicable to KS1 and KS2 subject leaders and teachers.
A 2-hour course which offers a range of evidence-based strategies and practical classroom examples to teach pupils to use strategies for planning and monitoring their writing, as well as promoting fluent written transcription skills. The course is applicable to KS1 and KS2 teachers and leaders.
Using the Ofsted Framework to Evaluate your Early Years Provision
This is a full-day session that will help schools evaluate their Early Years provision. By identifying any gaps or improvements in provision, teachers can plan accurate future adjustments and improvements.
Early Years Mastery, Application and Deep Learning - Teach it! Practice it! Apply it!
This is the first of 2 Time2Train sessions which will help you to understand how children learn and how essential the indoor and outdoor environment is in enabling children to deepen their understanding and apply their skills.
Early Years Mastery, Application and Deep Learning - Teach it! Practice it! Apply it!
This is the second of 2 Time2Train sessions which will help you to understand how children learn and how essential the indoor and outdoor environment is in enabling children to deepen their understanding and apply their skills.
Writing your Early Years Self Evaluation Summary (SES)
This course will ensure you have your early years evaluation completed by the end of the session. You will receive support from ECM advisers to evaluate your early years provision and outcomes and to use a ‘best fit’ approach to judge your current status and to plan for your next steps.
This 3-hour course will support critical thinking and reflection and enable delegates to communicate their own school's strengths and prioritise next steps.
This half-day (3-hour) course will enable delegates to understand their role within a multi-agency approach to supporting children's needs and will provide practical strategies/approaches to provide support where it is needed most.
This full-day session will explore the fundamental aspects included in early years maths. Research and approaches will be shared to enable delegates to plan for a maths curriculum which meets the needs of all their children.
This full-day course discusses the key aspects included in an effective early years literacy curriculum. Delegates will leave with a ‘toolkit’ of strategies/approaches to enable them to plan for children to become competent speakers, readers, and writers.
This full-day course will explore the developmental patterns involved in becoming an effective communicator and will offer delegates the opportunity to find out about key strategies and approaches to provide a communicative-rich curriculum.
Outdoor Provision: High-quality Teaching and Learning in the Early Years.
This half-day course will focus specifically on the role the outdoor learning space offers for our children’s holistic development. Delegates will leave with a wealth of practical strategies to develop a personalised outdoor learning space for their children.
We are offering a series of Early Years network meetings – one per term. They are all accessible online live, and we are planning agendas that meet local and national needs.
We are offering a series of Early Years network meetings – one per term. They are all accessible online live, and we are planning agendas that meet local and national needs.
We are offering a series of Early Years network meetings – one per term. They are all accessible online live, and we are planning agendas that meet local and national needs.
This 2-hour training session will provide the governing body with a comprehensive understanding of the roles and responsibilities of governors in the current context.
Securing the Role of Governors in Holding Senior Leaders to Account
This training session will help governors become more secure in their role when holding senior leaders to account, one of their core functions. We will explore the various ways you can fulfil this role and provide a toolkit for you to draw upon. This will help you evidence the impact of your time spent as a governor in improving outcomes for the children at your school.
Good to Great Learning - A Research and Self-Evaluation Led Approach
This reflection covers new learning and future challenges. It includes themes like the 3 I’s and the Curriculum in Education Quality, the Reconnect initiative to improve learning standards, and emphasises teamwork for achieving ambitious pupil success.
How can we have a Whole School Approach to Children and Young People’s Emotional Wellbeing?
This course is delivered over two, 2-hour sessions and is aimed at senior leadership team, teachers and other school staff, within both primary and secondary education, with the aim of understanding how the Whole School Approach to emotional wellbeing can be used effectively and incorporated into your school.
How can we have a Whole School Approach to Children and Young People’s Emotional Wellbeing?
This course is delivered over two, 2-hour sessions and is aimed at senior leadership team, teachers and other school staff, within both primary and secondary education, with the aim of understanding how the Whole School Approach to emotional wellbeing can be used effectively and incorporated into your school.
Improving Behaviour for Learning - Turning on the Learning Brain
This course seeks to look at better understanding of challenging behaviour alongside some practical strategies to manage in-the-moment conflict and prevention, in order to improve the quality of learning in the classroom.
Subject Leadership: Defining the Roles and Responsibilities of Subject Leaders
The Focus of this subject leader course is on providing focussed time for leaders to familiarise themselves fully with the guidance and grade descriptors.
Subject Leadership: Auditing, Self-Evaluating and Writing a Strategic Plan for your Subject
This course is one of our most popular courses. We have updated the course to ensure it is relevant, up to date and references new examples. A practical course for subject leaders to secure impact on their subject through accurate self-evaluation and effective strategic planning.
Subject Leadership: Drive Improvement through Monitoring & Evaluation
Developing systematic, efficient and highly effective systems for monitoring in your subject. The "how" of coaching, mentoring and feedback to secure the best learning, teaching and pupil outcomes in your subject.
Subject Leadership: RQTs and ECTs - How to be a Great Subject Leader
This one day course has been specifically designed for Primary colleagues who are new to the role of subject leadership. The course covers the key elements of effective subject leadership for English, maths and foundation subject leaders. It provides a wide ranging introduction for RQTs and other colleagues who are taking on subject leadership for the first time, ensuring they are well prepared to take on subject leadership and impact on pupil outcomes.
Improving Memory, Stickability & Powerful pedagogy: securing Pupils’ Long Term Memory
This full day course is designed to equip educators with practical insights and strategies derived from cutting-edge research in the learning sciences. Participants will explore how these research findings directly inform and enhance teaching practices, aligning with the latest 2019 Ofsted framework.
Rosenshine’s Principles and Questioning (Primary School)
A course designed to provide leaders with a deeper understanding of the 10 Principles of Instruction and practical ideas to translate theory into practice as a tool to support improved pupil and professional outcomes.
Rosenshine’s Principles and Questioning (Secondary School)
A course designed to provide leaders with a deeper understanding of the 10 Principles of Instruction and practical ideas to translate theory into practice as a tool to support improved pupil and professional outcomes.
This two-hour practical session will enable you to explore the potential for extending the use of your local area to engage children in 'working scientifically' outdoors. This course can be tailored to suit individual school grounds and environments. You will have the opportunity to maximise the potential of your outdoor learning environment for your science curriculum.
Overall, this training empowers participants to enhance science education through comprehensive monitoring and evaluation practices, providing them with new materials, knowledge of inspection processes, and practical strategies for conducting effective science deep dives.
This Metacognition course is designed for both primary and secondary school colleagues who aim to enhance their students' learning experience. The focus of this course is on elevating pupils' learning by improving their self-awareness and refining their reflective skills.
A 2-hour course which offers a range of evidence-based strategies and practical classroom examples which teach students to use strategies for planning and monitoring their writing as well as promoting motivation and engagement with written tasks. The course applies to secondary teachers and leaders.
Appraisal of Teachers: Ensuring Consistency and Rigour in the Inspection Framework
This is a 2-hour Time2Train Bitesize session for senior leaders who conduct appraisals of teachers in a primary school. It is a practical guide to an effective appraisal process for teachers with all the tools you will need to ‘Get a job done!’
Appraisal of Teaching Assistants: Ensuring Consistency and Rigour in the Inspection Framework
This is a 2-hour Time2Train Bitesize session for senior leaders who conduct appraisals of teaching assistants in a primary school. It is a practical guide to an effective appraisal process for teaching assistants with all the tools you will need to ‘Get a job done!’
Using Effective Feedback to Close Gaps in Learning (Secondary)
A 2-hour course which offers a range of evidence-based strategies and practical classroom examples to ensure that feedback is effective in closing gaps in learning for secondary students. Understanding the range of feedback mechanisms for providing and seeking feedback is key to maximising its impact on student outcomes. The course applies to secondary teachers and leaders.
Outstanding Subject Leadership 1: The Role of the Subject Leader
The focus of this subject leader course is on providing focussed time for leaders to familiarise themselves fully with the guidance and grade descriptors.
Outstanding Subject Leadership 2: Securing Robust Subject Self-Evaluation and Development Planning in The Inspection Framework
This course is one of our most popular courses. We have updated the course to ensure it is relevant, up to date and references new examples. A practical course for subject leaders to secure impact on their subject through accurate self-evaluation and effective strategic planning.
Outstanding Subject Leadership 3: Monitoring & Evaluation to Drive Improvement in Your Subject
Developing systematic, efficient, and highly effective systems for monitoring in your subject. The "how" of coaching, mentoring and feedback to secure the best learning, teaching, and pupil outcomes in your subject.
Outstanding Subject Leadership 5: How to Be a Great Subject Leader (For New Subject Leaders, RQT’s and ECT’s)
This one-day course has been specifically designed for colleagues who are new to the role of subject leadership. The course covers the key elements of effective subject leadership for English, maths and foundation subject leaders. It provides a wide-ranging introduction for RQTs and other colleagues who are taking on subject leadership for the first time, ensuring they are well prepared to take on subject leadership and impact on pupil outcomes. This course can also be delivered as 2 x 2-hour T2T sessions.
Writing your Secondary School Self-Evaluation Summary 2024-25
Would you like to secure your succinct self-evaluation summary (SES) in a day? This training has been completely re-written in light of the New Framework and will support secondary school leaders to write their NEW SES in a day!
Writing your Secondary School Impact/Development Plan 2024-25 - Demonstrating Impact
At the end of this training, leaders will be ready to work with all staff and governors on the final stage of the SIP/ SDP. In addition, leaders will be ready to outline their monitoring calendar and efficient systems and arrangements for IMPACTFUL monitoring & evaluation.
From Inspection Call to Inspection Report - Being Prepared
This course equips you to effectively showcase your educational setting and navigate the inspection process, including Deep Dives, while also contemplating the future implications for your school.
Disadvantaged Pupils: Improving Outcomes and Tackling Educational Disadvantage
This comprehensive course will equip you with the knowledge and skills to effectively assess and enhance educational opportunities for disadvantaged students within your school.
Using Metacognition to Motivate and Develop Student Independence in Secondary Schools
This course will examine how secondary teachers can use metacognitive strategies to help motivate pupils. It can be run as a session for your cluster, MAT, or school.
Writing Your School Self-Evaluation Summary (SES) 2024-25 using the School Inspection Framework
Would you like to secure the first draft of your succinct self-evaluation summary (SES formerly SEF) in a day? (5-6 pages). This training will support leaders to write their NEW SES in a day.
Writing your School Impact/Development Plan (SIP/SDP) 2024-25 Demonstrating IMPACT in the Inspection Framework
At the end of this training, leaders will be ready to work with all staff and governors on the final stage of the SIP/ SDP. In addition, leaders will be ready to outline their monitoring calendar and efficient systems and arrangements for IMPACTFUL monitoring & evaluation.
Work Scrutiny: Evidencing IMPACT (from the 3Is) in the Inspection Framework
This 2 hour course is for Head Teachers, Senior Leaders, Subject Leaders and class teachers. It explores the current inspection view on work scrutiny and how it fits into judgements. It then facilitates a work scrutiny of workbooks from your school leaving delegates clear about what great looks like and how to monitor for great in school.
Appraisal of Teachers: Ensuring Consistency and Rigour in the Inspection Framework
This is a 2 hour Time2Train Bitesize session for senior leaders who conduct appraisals of teachers in a primary school. It is a practical guide to an effective appraisal process for teachers with all the tools you will need to ‘Get a job done!’
Appraisal of Teaching Assistants: Ensuring Consistency and Rigour in the Inspection Framework
This is a 2 hour Time2Train Bitesize session for senior leaders who conduct appraisals of teaching assistants in a primary school. It is a practical guide to an effective appraisal process for teaching assistants with all the tools you will need to ‘Get a job done!’
This 2-hour Time2Train course provides educators with comprehensive training on conducting deep dives into reading and phonics as part of the Inspection Framework Process.
This 2-hour Time2Train course provides educators with comprehensive training on conducting deep dives into maths as part of the Inspection Framework Process.
An Introduction to Deep Dives – Non Subject Specific
This course is designed for subject leaders and senior leaders. It takes course delegates through both the methodology of a deep dive on inspection, as well as a practical approach to planning, timetabling, and delivering a deep dive in their subject within your school.
Empowered Leadership: Transformative Coaching for School Leaders
Discover the transformative power of coaching in school leadership. This session provides essential skills and strategies to enhance your effectiveness, impact, and school culture. Explore the fundamentals of coaching, different coaching approaches, leadership styles, and gain hands-on experience through practice and feedback. Take the first step towards becoming a skilled coach and set your path for success in implementing what you learn.
Empowered Leadership: Transformative Coaching for School Leaders
In session two, we delve into the realm of group coaching, a skill that revolutionises staff and governor meetings. Building upon the advanced coaching skills acquired in session one, you will learn a specialized coaching model tailored for group settings. Engage in hands-on practice, receive feedback, and chart your next steps towards mastering group coaching. Elevate your leadership abilities and foster a collaborative environment within your team.
Empowered Leadership: Transformative Coaching for School Leaders
Session three equips you with invaluable skills for tackling challenging conversations with confidence and finesse. Whether you've struggled with emotional encounters or hesitated to initiate difficult discussions, coaching provides a framework for transforming these interactions into positive outcomes.
Empowered Leadership: Transformative Coaching for School Leaders
In the final session of this programme, discover the profound impact of coaching in helping staff overcome challenges and reach their goals. Explore the power of strengths-based coaching, delve into techniques for enhancing performance through formal and informal coaching approaches, and learn the Feedforward model for driving improvement.
Disadvantaged Pupils: Improving Outcomes and Tackling Educational Disadvantage
This comprehensive course will equip you with the knowledge and skills to effectively assess and enhance educational opportunities for disadvantaged students within your school.
Working With SEND Pupils - Securing Great Outcomes from Starting Points - For SENco & Senior Leaders
This course offers participants a comprehensive understanding of best practices in supporting students with SEND, including addressing the correlation between SEND and childhood trauma, utilising diverse materials to assess and enhance SEND provision through audits, and establishing a clear direction for developing inclusive learning environments tailored to better support SEND pupils.
This course equips educators with new monitoring tools and strategies for SEND assessment. By course end, you'll be ready to set up a timetable for a SEND Deep Dive in your school and provide valuable feedback to staff, ensuring optimal support for SEND students.
Adaptive Teaching for SEND and Ofsted Expectations During Inspection: The End of Differentiation?
A full-day course for primary leaders and SENCOs to gain an understanding of the principles of adaptive teaching and how this can be utilised across the school to benefit all pupils. The course provides further detail about Ofsted expectations of adaptive teaching and provision for pupils with SEND.
Getting It Right For SEND Pupils - Quick Wins In Every Classroom
This program delves into diverse teaching strategies for all classrooms, emphasising trauma-informed approaches and resources to support students effectively, particularly those with special educational needs.
How To Maximise Learning Potential Of EAL Students
In the multi-cultural society we live in, you’re likely to have children at your academic setting who are bilingual or multilingual and have English as an Additional Language (EAL). You need to know how this will affect their speech, language, and communication development and how best to support these children so that they leave school with the best possible outcomes.
Working With SEND Pupils - Securing Great Outcomes from Starting Points - For Teachers & Teaching Assistants
This course offers participants a comprehensive understanding of best practices in supporting students with SEND, including addressing the correlation between SEND and childhood trauma, utilising diverse materials to assess and enhance SEND provision through audits, and establishing a clear direction for developing inclusive learning environments tailored to better support SEND pupils.
A termly briefing for primary schools led by ECM Director John Evans. These termly briefings provide you with insight into new and upcoming issues on the education horizon.
Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher, Assistant Headteacher and Senior Leader Briefing - Spring 2025
A termly briefing for primary schools led by ECM Director John Evans. These termly briefings provide you with insight into new and upcoming issues on the education horizon.
A termly briefing for primary schools led by ECM Director John Evans. These termly briefings provide you with insight into new and upcoming issues on the education horizon.
English Subject Leader Update Briefing Autumn 2024
This is an opportunity for Subject Leaders to be updated on key messages and current documentation related to the National picture this is then followed by a subject knowledge focused input based on current National or local themes which can then be taken back to school.
English Subject Leader Update Briefing Spring 2025
This is an opportunity for Subject Leaders to be updated on key messages and current documentation related to the National picture this is then followed by a subject knowledge focused input based on current National or local themes which can then be taken back to school.
English Subject Leader Update Briefing Summer 2025
This is an opportunity for Subject Leaders to be updated on key messages and current documentation related to the National picture this is then followed by a subject knowledge focused input based on current National or local themes which can then be taken back to school.
This is an opportunity for Subject Leaders to be updated on key messages and current documentation related to the National picture this is then followed by a subject knowledge focused input based on current National or local themes which can then be taken back to school.
This is an opportunity for Subject Leaders to be updated on key messages and current documentation related to the National picture this is then followed by a subject knowledge focused input based on current National or local themes which can then be taken back to school.
This is an opportunity for Subject Leaders to be updated on key messages and current documentation related to the National picture this is then followed by a subject knowledge focused input based on current National or local themes which can then be taken back to school.
This is an opportunity for Subject Leaders to receive updates on key messages and current documentation related to the national picture. Following this, there will be a subject knowledge-focused input based on current national or local themes, which can then be taken back to school.
Science Subject Leader Update Briefing Spring 2025
This is an opportunity for Subject Leaders to receive updates on key messages and current documentation related to the national picture. Following this, there will be a subject knowledge-focused input based on current national or local themes, which can then be taken back to school.
This is an opportunity for Subject Leaders to receive updates on key messages and current documentation related to the national picture. Following this, there will be a subject knowledge-focused input based on current national or local themes, which can then be taken back to school.