ML06 Giving Strong Account for your Subject


A 3-hour session providing a specific approach for subject leaders to give strong account for their subjects in school.

School Impact

Ensure you are as well prepared as possible for an Ofsted deep dive. This course provides a thorough audit of the preparation needed and the evidence that should be collated, alongside the types of questions inspectors might ask. Additionally, there is a PowerPoint presentation that you can use to attach and organise all your documents, if you wish. The course is suitable for all subjects, featuring generic sessions on Intent, Implementation, and Impact. You will receive individual information and resources for your specific subject. This means you can tailor the training to any number of leaders and provide specific information for each subject. The highly experienced course leader will also be available to answer any questions.

Groups, Clusters, Academy Trust Bookings

We aim to offer best value for group bookings. For more information and bespoke pricing please contact us

Available Dates And Venues

Date Time Venue Course Leader Delegate Cost
04/06/2024 09:00am - 12:00pm ONLINE LIVE, Microsoft Teams, Wendy Wheldon
Wendy Wheldon
£105.00 per delegate Book Now