ML11 Ensure your Subject Curriculum INTENT is high quality and will stand up to Inspection Scrutiny

Your Selected Venue & Date

  • Venue: ONLINE LIVE, Microsoft Teams,
  • Date: 17/09/2024
  • Time: 09:00 am - 12:00 pm
  • Price: £105.00 (per delegate)

Course Leader

Course Overview

Is your curriculum planning in each subject ambitious, coherent, progressive and well sequenced to year groups end points?

School Impact

This course is designed to support primary school leaders to ensure their curriculum represents the progressive and sequenced knowledge and skills required in each subject area, to ensure that pupils can make good or better progress.

Starting in September, interim arrangements related to INTENT have been removed from the Ofsted handbook grade descriptors. Schools are now expected to have the following in place for all core and foundation subjects, as outlined in the Quality of Education Grade Descriptors:

• Leaders must adopt or construct an ambitious curriculum that equips all pupils, especially those disadvantaged and with SEND, with the knowledge and cultural capital necessary for life's success.

• The curriculum may undergo changes, such as those related to senior leadership reviews or adaptations due to COVID-19, with clear rationales and plans to ensure all pupils access a broad and ambitious curriculum.

• The school's curriculum should be coherently planned and sequenced to develop cumulative knowledge and skills for future learning and employment.

In light of this, it's crucial that school and subject/department leaders can confidently articulate and demonstrate their rationale, high expectations for subject knowledge, vocabulary, and skills in curriculum plans to secure a 'good' judgment.

School Impact: By the end of this training session, participants will identify strengths and next steps in their subject INTENT area and make necessary adjustments, including:

1. Progression and sequencing from EYFS to Year 6 in primary schools and Year 7 to Year 11 in secondary schools.

2. The degree to which subject specific knowledge is outlined clearly e.g in history this is substantive knowledge (facts), disciplinary knowledge (skills -what it means to be a historian) and chronological knowledge;

3. The extent to which vocabulary (knowledge) is underpinning the subject curriculum in each year group;

4. The balance of knowledge and skills are outlined clearly (It is important that the sequence follows the model of knowledge first, then application through skills);

5. How subject content (knowledge and skills) are sequenced appropriately so that pupils are building on their prior knowledge and therefore maximising on their learning potential;

6. How curriculum plans are adapted to meet the needs of SEND and disadvantaged pupils, where appropriate;

7. How schema links are explicit within curriculum plans;

8. The degree to which your rationale for the curriculum for your pupils, is coherent and appropriate.

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