2024-25 ECM Safeguarding Audit/Review


This service offers two options for conducting a safeguarding audit/review in schools.


Option 1:

· ½ day (3 hrs) preparation & ‘top level’ call
· 1 day in school (6 hrs)
· 1 hour Note of Visit (NOV) - 1 page summary of areas for development

Cost: £1,150.00 + VAT + Mileage

Option 2:

· ½ day (3 hrs) preparation & ‘top level’ call
· 1 day in school (6 hrs)
· 3 hour Record of Visit (ROV)- 3 page summary of strengths & areas for development

Cost: £1,300.00 + VAT + Mileage

Before the Safequarding Audit/Review Day:

1. Website Analysis: review policies: safeguarding policy/ behaviour policy
2. Review LA website- Children’s services
3. General analysis – School in community
4. TEAMS call: Top Level View Meeting with HT/ Senior leaders (Safeguarding discussion & arrangements for the safeguarding audit/ review day-)

- NB: Additional costs may be required associated with mileage and accommodation- related to school localities and these would be negotiated, if needed, prior to the review.

- Timetabling of the Safeguarding Audit/ Review: It is important to emphasise that every school is different and the timetable will be adapted through consultation to suit every context. For example, it may be necessary to cover lesson visits at the outset/earlier to catch form times in secondary schools and this may alter the start and finish times etc.

- A Safeguarding/ Audit and review will highlight strengths and areas for development that come to light during the safeguarding activities conducted the day. The outcomes of the review will represent that which was observed during the day, as seen at that point in time and should not be seen as a guarantee of future compliance and effectiveness.

- This ECM audit/review is not an Ofsted inspection.

*All prices are excluding VAT and may vary depending upon locality resulting in additional time required and accommodation/transport costs, and any work in school is subject to mileage costs being added to the quoted price. We reserve the right to adjust our pricing.

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**Please note once we have confirmed your booking you will be invoiced for the cost of this service at the rate agreed.**